How your dog could go vegan and still stay healthy

How your dog could go vegan and still stay healthy

"My friend Roger Wolfson is the L.A. animal commissioner and he started asking himself why they rescue chickens and rabbits and yet feed the dogs food that has chickens and rabbits in it," says Bloom. She estimates that making this change could save up to 30,000 pounds of meat per month.

Health mutt: proposal to put shelter dogs on vegan diet divides Los Angeles

Health mutt: proposal to put shelter dogs on vegan diet divides Los Angeles

Roger Wolfson, a commissioner and television screenwriter who is driving the initiative, cites ethical, environmental and health reasons to switch dogs to plant-based food.

Great Read: All his Silver Lake backyard is a stage

Great Read: All his Silver Lake backyard is a stage

Roger Wolfson’s backyard is not unlike the others that dot this rugged Silver Lake hillside -- a narrow slip of grass, on a steep incline, with a distant view of the reservoir.

Los Angeles Animal Board to Weigh Horse Racing Ban

Los Angeles Animal Board to Weigh Horse Racing Ban

Commissioner Roger Wolfson, who recently encouraged the Los Angeles Board of Animal Services to pass a motion banning rodeos in the city, has placed an item on the board's Tuesday agenda described as "Opposition to Horse Racing in the State of California."

L.A. Animal Services Considers Motion Supporting Horse Racing Ban

L.A. Animal Services Considers Motion Supporting Horse Racing Ban

Commissioner Roger Wolfson, who recently encouraged the board to pass a motion supporting a ban on rodeos in the city, placed an item on the board’s agenda described as “Opposition to Horse Racing in the State of California.”

Los Angeles to consider banning horse racing

Los Angeles to consider banning horse racing

Commissioner Roger Wolfson, who recently encouraged the Los Angeles Board of Animal Services to pass a motion banning rodeos in the city, has placed an item on the board’s Tuesday agenda described as “Opposition to Horse Racing in the State of California.” Its goal is to have the board recommend that the City Council draw up an ordinance that would prohibit horse racing and off-track betting in the city of Los Angeles.

Roger Wolfson On How To Write Your Own ‘Avatar’

Roger Wolfson On How To Write Your Own ‘Avatar’

What are the keys to creating your own cinematic sci-fi epic? Join guest writer Roger Wolfson and as we explore this topic from concept to script. In a series of articles, Wolfson will mentor, guide, and hopefully inspire you on “How to write your own ‘Avatar.’

Roger Wolfson On How To Write Your Own ‘Avatar’: Chapter Two

Roger Wolfson On How To Write Your Own ‘Avatar’: Chapter Two

What are the keys to creating your own cinematic sci-fi epic? Join guest writer Roger Wolfson and as we explore this topic from concept to script. In a series of articles, Wolfson will mentor, guide, and hopefully inspire you on “How to write your own ‘Avatar.’