Los Angeles Commissioner for Animal Services, Roger Wolfson, explains how the Nonhuman Rights Project (NHRP) is fighting for personhood for animals. Kevin Schneider, who works with NHRP, explains that it’s crucial to give animals legal protections and legal rights.
California Today: Should Shelter Dogs Be Vegan?
“This is about the long-term survival of every man, woman and child in this room, and all of the people in our lives,” said Roger Wolfson, the commissioner and television screenwriter who first proposed the plan.
How your dog could go vegan and still stay healthy
"My friend Roger Wolfson is the L.A. animal commissioner and he started asking himself why they rescue chickens and rabbits and yet feed the dogs food that has chickens and rabbits in it," says Bloom. She estimates that making this change could save up to 30,000 pounds of meat per month.